
Someone who likes AI and Programming


Time series in Prophet

Published Jan 19, 2020


Prophet is a tool published by facebook that can be used for forecasting data like time series.

We will be forecasting stock data for apple today. It can be tough to predict stock data because it is so noisy.

Getting the data

Head to this link and download the csv file by clicking the “Download Data” link on the page. It is a little hard to spot.

Installing Prophet

pip install fbprophet

Just run the following command to install Prophet. Make sure that you have python installed and you should run this code in a Jupyter Notebook (or jupyterlab).

Using Prophet

Importing libraries

import pandas as pd
from fbprophet import Prophet

We are loading the csv file here. We call it AAPL.csv. You should have downloaded this data in the earlier section titled “Getting the data”

df = pd.read_csv("AAPL.csv")
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
0 2015-01-20 107.839996 108.970001 106.500000 108.720001 99.893822 49899900
1 2015-01-21 108.949997 111.059998 108.269997 109.550003 100.656441 48575900
2 2015-01-22 110.260002 112.470001 109.720001 112.400002 103.275063 53796400
3 2015-01-23 112.300003 113.750000 111.529999 112.980003 103.807991 46464800
4 2015-01-26 113.739998 114.360001 112.800003 113.099998 103.918228 55615000

We have to rename the columns to ds and y so that we can train it using Prophet.

d2 = df[["Date", "High"]]
d2.columns = ["ds", "y"]
ds y
0 2015-01-20 108.970001
1 2015-01-21 111.059998
2 2015-01-22 112.470001
3 2015-01-23 113.750000
4 2015-01-26 114.360001

We are just training prophet on our dataframe just like that.

m = Prophet() # We train Prophet here

Predicting the future

future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=365)
future.tail() # Goes up to 01-16-2021
1619 2021-01-12
1620 2021-01-13
1621 2021-01-14
1622 2021-01-15
1623 2021-01-16

We actually predict the future in the following cell.

forecast = m.predict(future)
forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail()
ds yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper
1619 2021-01-12 421.165426 295.498040 559.937322
1620 2021-01-13 421.603917 300.204687 557.991950
1621 2021-01-14 421.868835 296.781987 559.755712
1622 2021-01-15 422.064133 296.079828 559.776385
1623 2021-01-16 419.793294 293.032000 559.370520
# (Optional)
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
# Makes the quality of the figure better.

Here is a plot of the figure.

fig1 = m.plot(forecast)


And there you have it! We used facebook’s Prophet tool to train a forecaster model and we forecasted future prices of apple’s stock with it.